
Positions held by Councillors

  • Finance Committee Members - Cllrs W T Arnold, Mrs J Goodman (Ex-Officio), J M Pickering, Mrs B Serrell, C Welch (Ex-Officio) & Mrs D Cornock
  • Finance Committee Chairman - Cllr J M Pickering
  • Staffing Committee - Cllrs Mrs J Goodman, J M Pickering
  • Planning Group - Cllrs Mr John Alford, Mrs J Goodman, T Hillsdon, J Ringe, Mrs B Serrell
  • Lengthsman Overview - Cllrs J M Pickering, C Welch
  • Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator - Cllr Mrs J Goodman
  • Neighbourhood Development Plan Co-ordinators - Cllr Mrs J Goodman
  • Ombersley Memorial Hall Representative - Cllr T Hillsdon
  • Sytchampton Village Hall Representative - Cllr J M Pickering
  • Lloyds Educational Foundation Representatives (3 year appointment until Sept 2025) - Mrs E Bell, Cllr R Reynolds, Mr S Millington, Mr C Gait & Mrs M Jones.
  • Tree Warden - TBC

Contact List for Councillors

Ombersley & Doverdale Parish Council has 14 registered members
Anne Scadding
Clerk to the Council
07731 929910
Bill Arnold
Parish Councillor, Ombersley
01905 620272
Briony Serrell
Parish Councillor, Ombersley
01905 620846
Chris Welch
07552 605708
Christopher Day
District Councillor
07730 820216
Diane Cornock
Parish Councillor, Ombersley
07906 701589
John Alford
Parish Councillor, Ombersley
01905 620157
John Ringe
Parish Councillor, Ombersley
01905 620082
Judy Goodman
01905 620682
Libby Lewis
Parish Councillor, Ombersley
07970 661953
Martin Pickering
Parish Councillor, Doverdale
07921 023010
Rod Reynolds
Parish Councillor, Ombersley
01905 620796
Tony Hillsdon
Parish Councillor, Ombersley
07946 274775
Tony Miller
County Councillor
07503 032776